This is a man to whom I have trusted my life.
When I first visited Sierra Leone in January of 2018 I was asked if I would comfortable riding on the back of a motorcycle. I sensed that "no" was not an option, so I said, "yes." Joseph became my driver. I hopped on the back of his bike and the two of us took off, travelling around Tikonko chiefdom and the city of Bo.
At first it was a white-knuckle experience for me as I gripped tightly to the bar behind me. Over time I learned to relax a little more and began to enjoy the journey. Cocooned inside the helmet I allowed myself to trust. I told myself that there was no point in worrying or being anxious because I had no way to control anything that was happening. I was along for the ride so I might as well enjoy it.
On my return trip to Sierra Leone this past January I was thrilled to learn that Joseph was available to provide my transportation. So, for two weeks we travelled the dirt roads of Tikonko and the city streets of Bo. My life in his hands, trusting my friend.
We live in culture built on mistrust and suspicion. This leads to a culture of fear. We think of trust as something that must be earned before it is given. I believe we have it wrong. We should trust first. Joseph reminded, or maybe taught, me the importance of trust. I had to trust someone I didn’t know, as a foreigner in a new land.
Some may say I’m being naïve, I’m OK with that. I’d rather start with trust and be let down than start from suspicion and force someone to prove themselves. I think this is the way of love, the way of Christ.